
MicroCure Sensor and Data Reader
EIT’s MicroCure® measurement system is comprised of two separate stand-alone items; the data collection radiometer which is placed in the ultraviolet (UV) environment to be measured, and a DataReader which reads and displays the measurement results from... View product to read more.
Power Puck II Radiometer
Up to 10 W/cm² (3 measurement power ranges available), Selectable 4 channel, 250-445nm, available in either Standard version that allows display of data on unit LCD display only, or Profiler version that transfers the data including the irradiance profile... View product to read more.
ILT800 CureRight Radiometer
The ILT800 CureRight is a feature-rich profiling UV radiometer that delivers unmatched flexibility and capability not found in any other system. With a 4.5 decade Detection Range (5 mW/cm² to 40 W/cm²), the ILT800 Radiometer meets a broad range of appl... View product to read more.
Puck Radiometer Light Guide Fixture
The UV4244 Puck Radiometer Light Guide Fixture allows the measurement of light output from either an arc lamp spot curing system light guide or an LED style light guide using any of the EIT puck style radiometers (UVICURE Plus II, UV Power Puck II or LEDCu... View product to read more.
SpotCure Radiometer
SpotCure ® UV Intensity Meter The SpotCure UV Intensity Meter is an easy, portable, effective method of quantifying UV output in spot systems. It is the standard to which small area and spot curing processes are established, validated and verified. The... View product to read more.
PowerMAP II Radiometer
The EIT PowerMAP II is a Profiling Radiometer that provides the irradiance (W/cm²), energy density (J/cm²), irradiance profile (Watts/cm² as a function of time) and temperature profile (°C as a function of time) in a new instrument from EIT. This compa... View product to read more.
LEDCure Radiometer
The LEDCure™ radiometer is designed specifically to accurately measure the energy generated by industrial UV LED systems. The LEDCure provides a patented “Total Measured Optic Response”. Everything in the instrument "optics stack" is included in the ... View product to read more.